Every child deserves to grow up healthy and strong. Yet each year, millions of children will die simply because they lack the diet they need to thrive. That’s where we Edesia comes in – Providing Plumpy’Nut to treat children suffering from severe acute malnutrition (SAM), and products like Nutributter to help children at risk.
For every dollar invested in
addressing undernutrition, a
return of $23 is expected.
Nutributter does not require any preparation, refrigeration, or dilution. This makes a ideal diet supplement within the first 1,000 days of a child’s development. Research shows that supplementing a typical diet with prevention products like Nutributter is effective at reducing the of stunting, wasting, and micronutrient deficiencies those critical early years. It also leads to socio-emotional gains, better language and motor skills.
When malnutrition is not addressed early, children often require treatments like Plumpy’Nut and Plumpy’Sup to recover. These treatments, while lifesaving, are more costly and resource intensive. In fact, many of these children won’t even complete the full treatment, which can leads to relapses and further costs. At Edesia, we believe prevention is the more sustainable and effective solution. One that not only reduces the incidence of malnutrition, but lowers healthcare costs, and ensures better long-term outcomes.
An estimated 148 million
children under 5 (22.3 per cent)
were affected by stunting.