
We can prevent children from suffering from malnutrition in the first place

Every child deserves to grow up healthy and strong. And yet, millions of children around the world die from malnutrition, and even more do not get the right nutritious diet they need to thrive. The sooner we intervene, the less children will suffer from malnutrition in the first place. That’s why, in addition to making Plumpy’Nut to treat children suffering from severe acute malnutrition (SAM), Edesia also produces Nutributter and other prevention products that help children at risk of malnutrition, giving children the opportunity to grow and develop.

Keep Children Healthy

The first 1,000 days in a child’s life are critical for lifelong development. Children must get a mix of nutritious foods to make it to their second birthday and to thrive long after.

Research shows that supplementing a typical diet with prevention products like Nutributter is highly effective at reducing the prevalence of stunting, wasting, and micronutrient deficiencies in children in the first 6-24 months. It also leads to socio-emotional gains and better language and motor skills.

Nutributter is easy to use because it doesn’t require any preparation, refrigeration, or dilution.

Reduce Costs

When malnutrition is not addressed early, children often require expensive treatments like Plumpy’Nut and Plumpy’Sup to recover.

These treatments, while lifesaving, are more costly and resource intensive. Additionally, the default rate in malnutrition treatment programs can be high, meaning that many children do not complete the full course of treatment, leading to relapse and further costs.

By focusing on prevention, we can reduce the incidence of malnutrition, lower healthcare costs, and ensure better long-term outcomes for children, making it a more sustainable and effective solution.

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